IUI procedures

What to expect

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm directly into a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. Here’s what to expect during the procedure:

Initial Consultation:

  • Discuss your medical history and undergo a physical examination if needed.
  • Perform preliminary tests such as blood work and ultrasound to assess reproductive health.

Ovulation Monitoring:

  • Track ovulation using ovulation predictor kits, blood tests, and ultrasounds.
  • Sometimes, fertility medications may be prescribed to stimulate ovulation.

Semen Collection:

  • A semen sample is collected from the male partner or a sperm donor.
  • The sample is washed and concentrated to isolate the most motile sperm.

IUI Procedure:

  • A thin catheter is used to insert the prepared sperm directly into the uterus.
  • The procedure is quick, typically taking 5-10 minutes, and is usually painless.


You may rest for a short period before resuming normal activities.A pregnancy test is performed two weeks after the procedure to determine if it was successful.

How it increases the chance of pregnancy

  • Timing: By placing sperm directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation, IUI maximizes the chances of the sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg.
  • Sperm Quality: Washing the sperm sample removes impurities and concentrates motile sperm, increasing the likelihood of fertilization.
  • Overcoming Barriers: IUI helps bypass issues such as cervical mucus hostility or low sperm count/motility.

Semen analysis

Semen analysis is a critical diagnostic tool to evaluate male fertility. It assesses several parameters, including:

  • Sperm Count: The number of sperm present in a given volume of semen.
  • Sperm Motility: The percentage of moving sperm and the quality of their movement.
  • Sperm Morphology: The shape and structure of the sperm.
  • Volume and pH: The total amount of ejaculate and its acidity/alkalinity.
  • Presence of White Blood Cells: Indicators of infection or inflammation.

Intrauterine PRP

What to expect

Intrauterine PRP involves the injection of platelet-rich plasma into the uterus to improve the uterine lining and enhance fertility. Here’s what to expect:


  • Blood is drawn from the patient and processed to concentrate the platelets.
  • The PRP is prepared for intrauterine injection.


  • A speculum is inserted into the vagina to visualize the cervix.
  • A thin catheter is used to inject the PRP into the uterine cavity.
  • The procedure is quick, typically taking about 10-15 minutes.


  • Patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Follow-up visits may be scheduled to monitor progress and assess the response.

How it heals internal C-section repair

  • Promotes Healing: PRP contains growth factors that promote tissue regeneration and repair, which can enhance healing of the uterine lining and any scar tissue from previous C-sections.
  • Reduces Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of PRP can help reduce inflammation and promote a healthier uterine environment.

How it affects your egg quantity and quality

  • Indirect Impact: While PRP is primarily used to improve the uterine lining, a healthier uterine environment can support overall reproductive health and potentially improve outcomes in fertility treatments.
  • Egg Quality: There is limited evidence to suggest that PRP directly affects egg quality, but by improving the uterine environment, it may create a more favorable setting for embryo implantation and development.

How does vitamins and medication increase your chance of getting pregnant?

What vitamins to take and why

Supplements provide essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D crucial for fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery, supporting hormone regulation, fetal development, and maternal health.


  • Chasteberry - It stimulates LH production, improving progesterone levels crucial for the luteal phase and early pregnancy. By regulating cycles and enhancing ovulation, it aids conception, particularly beneficial for women with irregular cycles or PCOS.
  • FH Pro Complex - Boosts fertility by providing essential nutrients, antioxidants, and herbal extracts that regulate hormones, improve ovulation, preserve egg quality, and complement fertility treatments, aiding conception for women with irregular cycles or conditions like PCOS.
  • Zinc - Supports ovulation and hormone balance for fertility, contributes to fetal development during pregnancy, and aids wound healing and immune function postpartum.
  • Folic Acid - It supports fertility by aiding ovulation and regulating hormones, prevents birth defects during pregnancy, and contributes to maternal health and recovery postpartum.
  • Vitamin D - Vitamin D is crucial for women's health during fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum, supporting hormonal balance, fetal development, immune function, bone health, and mood regulation.
  • NAC - Enhance fertility by regulating cycles, improving ovulation, and protecting egg quality, especially in women with PCOS. It also supports hormone balance, insulin sensitivity, and cervical mucus quality, potentially aiding conception as a complementary therapy.
  • Selenium - Essential for women's fertility, supporting ovulation, egg quality, and hormonal balance. As an antioxidant, it protects eggs from oxidative damage and reduces inflammation in the reproductive organs, crucial for optimal reproductive health.
  • Bromelain - Found in pineapple, is anti-inflammatory properties and potential to improve cervical mucus quality and uterine lining thickness. Crucial for successful embryo implantation.
  • Wild Yam - is thought to influence fertility through its estrogenic effects, potentially regulating hormone levels and promoting ovulation.

Vitamin Calendars

After your consultation with the provider, you will be given a detailed, personalized calendar that is specifically tailored to your unique situation. This calendar will outline important dates, procedures, and steps to follow, ensuring that you have a clear and customized plan for your fertility journey.

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