Functional Medicine addresses the underlying cause of disease using a personalized, systems-oriented approach. This form of healthcare views each individual as being different; genetically and biochemically unique.

Our practitioners take into account a person’s history, environment, lifestyle, and genetic factors that play a vital role in long-term health and chronic diseases. Functional Medicine supports your body’s normal healing mechanisms, naturally, rather than attacking the disease directly. Science is constantly evolving and unlocking mysteries in health and how the human body functions.

At American Wellness and Rehab, our practitioners are continuously being educated in the latest research available. Health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of immense vitality and a Functional Medicine Practitioner can help you achieve that.


At American Wellness, we believe that wellness through functional medicine is possible for anybody and it comes from several root causes.

And we don’t just offer one service, we offer many, we offer a fruit basket. When people come to us, they get the full fruit basket. When they go somewhere else, they only get 1 or 2 fruits. We offer alternatives.

We give people hope when everyone else tells them no hope is left. Instead of a surgery, medication, or an invasive procedure, we have other options they can try first! We care about our patients. We fight for our patients, so they can have the best-optimized health for themselves and their families.


  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • IV Treatments
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Ozone Therapy
  • Autoimmune Disease Recovery
  • Diabetes Management
  • Chronic Pain Relief
  • COVID/Flu Remedies
  • Foot Zone
  • Diagnostic Ultrasounds
  • Thermography

Are you in need of Functional Medicine? Book an appointment today! Call 801-327-8700 or click to schedule a visit now.

FunCtional Family Care services

Traditional/ Insurance

Nontraditonal/ Cash Pay

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